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The relationship you both deserve   

Join Linda and Victor Roggli for a weekend in the Piedmont of North Carolina that could change your lives together. It's the best gift you'll ever give each other.

               – Sail the Seven C's to a great relationship

               – Learn the five secrets to appreciating each other fully

               – Find out how to listen (and hear) with love

               – Discover how to disagree without losing yourself

               – Refocus your attention on the "little things" that can    

                    strengthen your relationship

“We’re delighted you found the Heart of the Matter site.

We love sharing the secrets that we discovered

while working to save our own marriage.

Hope to see you at a Heart of the Matter retreat very soon!”

  1. -Victor and Linda Roggli

  2. -

Great relationships aren't born, they're built

As much as we'd like to believe in fairy tales or in country western songs, enduring relationships aren't the immediate result of an "I do" or exchanging keys to his or her apartment. Great relationships are created, day by day, conversation by conversation, event by event.

If you are fortunate enough to know a couple who has beaten the odds and stayed together for years, they will surely tell you that there have been some "rough times." A deeply satisfying, lasting relationship is forged in the way you handle those "rough times."

So what went wrong ... or right ... for the two of you?

The ‘relationship rut”

Sometimes couples fall into a "relationship rut" -- comfortable, but predictable and ultimately boring. There ‘spark’ that once existed has sputtered so often, it seems to be snuffed out.

Other partners withhold their true feelings, with resentment just under the surface, ready to erupt at a minor upset. And their spouse or partner is mystified at why such a small incident can cause a huge outburst.

Still others aren't happy but they just can't figure out what's wrong. They live parallel lives that touch only when necessary - children, mortgage payments, dinner.

Shouldn't there be more to love than THIS? You bet. And we’re here to show you how to find it.

Transforming your relationship

"The Heart of the Matter" begins with a light dinner on Friday night (5:00 pm to be exact) with introductions, some simple orientation to the weekend and settlng in. Couples will retire to their private rooms at GardenSpirit Gueshouse for the evening.

After breakfast in the GardenSpirit dining room the next morning, the group will reconvene for group discussion and exercises. The day includes one-on-one work with your spouse or partner and some private time for walking, conversation and practice on new ways to connect. There will be a lot of learning and a lot of laughter.

Saturday evening will be a full blown celebration with a special dinner (champagne and roses, of course) and a time for quiet, romantic conversation before retiring for the night.

Sunday morning the retreat convenes at 9 am for three hours of activities followed by lunch (on the veranda, depending on the weather). Closing activities and ceremonies end at 4 pm Sunday.

The focus is on your relationship - together

While it's possible to work on a relationship alone, it's usually not effective. So, to make the most of this weekend, check in with your partner to make sure he or she is committed to playing at 100% for the sake of the relationship.

Funny, but when you really make the effort, not only does the relationship deepen and grow, but so do the partners! It's amazing!

One more thing: this IS a relationship retreat, isn’t it?

You may be wondering about the context of this retreat -- is it about s^x?  Not really, although the retreat IS about relationship. Relationship often means s^x, but that's not our main focus. Nothing kinky planned from our point of view! Just wanted to clear that up before your mind went off in a different direction!!!


a transformational retreat for couples

November 14 - 16, 2008

Ready to re-energize YOUR relationship, your lives? Register here!

Are we always happy and loving? Of course not. We’re real, just like you. We still have our tiffs and grumpy days. The difference is that now we know how to untangle those knots quickly, before they become big and tough and impossible to hack through.

Was our marriage ever in trouble? We were on the brink of divorce more than once. Thank goodness we decided to close that ‘exit’ so that we could finally build the relationship for which both of us yearned, but